At a dog show, dogs are entered into the appropriate class by their owner or handler. They enter the ring to be judged when their class is called. To the novice, the process can be confusing, but actually it is a simple elimination process. Class entrants are placed first through fourth, with the first place winners moving on to the Winners class. Best of Breed competition brings in the Champions and the Winners to select a Best of Breed (or Variety).

Best of Breed

Dogs (males)

Puppy (6-9, 9-12)

Junior 12-18 months


Amateur-Owner Handler

Bred By Exhibitor

American Bred


First Place in each class competes for Winners Dog(winning the Points)

A second dog is chosen as Reserve from the remaining first place dogs and the dog that was second place in the class of the Winner

Best of Breed is chosen from all Champions of Record and the Winners Dog and the Winners Bitch.

Best of Winners is chosen between the Winners Dog and the Winners Bitch.

Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed is chosen from all entries in the Best of Breed competition that are of the opposite sex to the best of breed.

Bitches (Females)

Puppy (6-9, 9-12)

Junior 12-18 months


Amateur-Owner Handler

Bred By Exhibitor

American Bred


First Place in each class competes for Winners Bitch(winning the Points)

A second dog is chosen as Reserve from the remaining first place dogs and the dog that was second place in the class of the Winner

In an All Breed dog show the Best of Breed of each breed then competes in its group.
Winners in the group are placed first through fourth.

First place winners in each group then compete for Best In Show.

At a Specialty, where only one breed is shown, additional classes may be offered. Some of these are: Veteran Dog and Veteran Bitch, Stud Dog and Brood Bitch